The Watcher

Currently exhibited at the Bishops Palace, Wells, Somerset, UK as part of a fine art exhibition called Re-Formation with Heritage Courtyard Studio artists and friends.

 ‘The Watcher’ (seraphim) references the authoritarian watchful eyes of the Catholic faith before and during the Reformation and the powerful status of the past Bishops Palace as it watched over the city folk.  It intends to draw parallels with the present day Big Brother surveillance climate and play with today’s narcissistic selfie culture.
The Watcher requires your interaction and invites you to take a selfie by using the reflection in the lens and sharing it on social media with the tag #iamtheseraphim
Re-Formation Exhibition continues until 6th October 2019
The Watcher

The Watcher

The Watcher (Seraphim) is an interactive wall sculpture currently on display on the outside cafe wall at the Bishops Palace, Wells.
